As well as an overview of the Society of St Leopold and the American First Light Black Program - two societies that have attempted to drive people against the Kindred - the book also holds information on eldritch artifacts and coterie tactics that can be used against the hidden organisations. Covering the capabilities and lore behind the Secret Church which seeks to vanquish the presence of the damned, The Second Inquisition Sourcebook contains information that GMs can use to create antagonists from the hidden organisation. The other brand new book set to be released for Vampire: The Masquerade is called The Second Inquisition Sourcebook. A collection of mythic texts that are presented in the style of an epic poem, The Book of Nod follows the legacy of the undead from their very beginning - during the time of Caine - and provides games masters and players with props and lore that they can use to create storylines and campaigns, as well as influence their character creation and in-game decisions. One of these upcoming RPG releases is called The Book of Nod and focuses on the mythology and history surrounding the vampire clans found within the game.

Two new books for the horror roleplaying game Vampire: The Masquerade 5E are set to be released later this year.