Camp Guardian caves - Laying on the floor in the passage leading down to the main cave.Black Mountain - Many can be found in the trunks in the storage room.Durability (number of attacks before breaking) Damage per attack (damage per projectile) Debug megapistol, a developmental tool that deals 9999 worth of damage per shot.Įnd of information based on developer test content from the Fallout: New Vegas files.The following is based on developer test content from the Fallout: New Vegas files. There are also five other versions that have an increased linear scale of damage. It only differs from the standard pistol in its use of companion ammunition. Dean's 9mm pistol, a unique non-playable 9mm pistol used by Dean Domino.Maria, a unique version of the 9mm pistol used by Benny.9mm pistol scope - Adds a 2x20mm short range scope with 1.6x magnification.9mm pistol extended mags - Adds +7 rounds per magazine.The 9mm pistol can fire about 745 standard rounds, the equivalent of 58 reloads, or 38 reloads when modded with extended magazines, from full condition before breaking. Furthermore, it is considered an improved holdout weapon, and can therefore be concealed with a Sneak skill of 50 or greater. It can be modified with a short range scope and an extended magazine to further improve its performance. It has three-dot luminescent front and rear iron-sights for better low-light fighting, and a minor idle sway. It is very cheap to buy, utilizes very common ammunition, has no guns skill requirement, and has a very low Strength requirement in order to be handled effectively. The M&A 9mm pistol is one of the most common guns to be found early on in the game. It is the standard issue sidearm of the New California Republic Army and a common sight in the Mojave Wasteland. The M&A 9mm pistol is a semi-automatic handgun, designed by M&A Guns Manufacturers. To change it, please edit the transcluded page.

The note "Angel's Boneyard Report," found with the pistol, also counts for the Scoutmaster challenge.This section is transcluded from 9mm pistol.They are functionally identical, however.

The version found in the metal container is PBWeap9mmPistolScoutStash, with base ID xx0e3778.